This Sunday, Lord willing, we will start our study of the Gospel of John. We will be looking at John 1:1-18. I mentioned this past Sunday that I try to read the Gospel of John each week reading 3 chapters a day. At the very least, open to John 1 and dig into this amazing opening. How would you introduce Jesus? John begins here…
Weekend Recap – Word, Work, Other Good Things
As I try to wrap up Sunday, 1/13, there are lots of highlights. I really enjoyed teaching my Sunday School class, which overviewed the concept of Missions in the Old Testament. We charted the course of creation to the promise to Abraham to David and the New Covenant. It was a good time and the class did a good bit of work to dig in.
My AM sermon from Matthew 9:35-38 entitled God’s Word and God’s Work is online. This sermon sought to unpack the connection between God’s Word and His work, specifically in leading us to be people of compassion, on mission with Him and prayer fervently.
On Sunday PM, we launched a new small group curriculum entitled Gospel Identity. I’m really hoping this study helps orient our people in the Gospel in deeper, lasting, abiding ways.
Hope you had a good Lord’s Day, as well.
Weekend Preview – Word & Creation
This coming Lord’s Day, 12/4, we hope to return to John 1:3-5 and pick up where we left off last week. Last week, we saw in John 1:1-2 that the Eternal Word is God and has existed in a personal relationship to the Father forever. This week, though, we transition to see how this Word came near to us. Specifically, if He was there in creation, how does He relate us. The sermon will unfold how Jesus is related to creation as Creator, Life-Giver and Evil-Conquering Head.
There’s a reason that Revelation 3:14 announces that the message to that church was from “The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.” We all owe our existence to Christ. We truly live to the degree that we function in this reality. Come hungry this Sunday to see the greatness of Jesus Christ, the Word, as He relates to His creation.
Weekend Recap – God’s Powerful Word
My sermon from 7/10/11, God’s Powerful Word out of Hebrews 4:12-13 is online. I thought we had an amazing morning in corporate worship coupled with some great time examining these familiar verses as we continue to make our way through this book. God’s Word is powerful and this sermon, in particular, pointed us to how God’s Word prepares us for the Gospel.
In the evening, our small group read through Chapter 5 of Jerry Bridges’ Respectable Sins on The Power of the Holy Spirit. We were encouraged that in the fight with sin, we aren’t left to our devices but have been given God Himself to help us in the fight.
It was a full day, but filled with blessings from our Lord at each turn. I hope you had a blessed day yourself.