On Tuesday, February 15, I went into surgery to get a total knee replacement, and it was successful. But, of course, I have the scar to prove it. But, seriously, I had dealt with knee pain for many years because I had cartilage removed from my knee when I was a teenager, and after my time in sports in high school and college, the surgeon told me that in my 40s, I would have some knee issues. Well, I’m in my 40s, and the time has come.
I’ve been keeping up on my exercises and rehab procedures. While there are times I’ve probably overdone it, progress is being pursued as I continue to exercise and rehabilitate this knee. The animation above shows what the procedure I got looks like. And I’m posting this today because I plan to return to regular activity this week.
Many of you have prayed for this, and you can continue to pray that my knee would heal well and that rehab would have the desired effect. I want my body to be helpful to show love to my children and neighbors. I feel like in recent years, in particular, I’ve been unable to live the kind of life I’d like to. So, you can pray for a restoration of those goals.
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