Anybody do anything special on this day. At the Y this AM, I noticed the History Channel is doing something, but other than keeping us from getting snail mail, how does this day affect your life?
Part of my desire in 09 is to be more efficient with my time and energy. Therefore, I am going to post on marriage and free audio more sporadically, so that I am not pressured to write every Monday and Wednesday. If you like these regular posts, you will find that there will be plenty to keep you thinking in both of these regards (marriage and free audio). Just thought I’d let you know what’s happening.
The 2009 Project
Each year, as the new year is quickly approaching, I take time to review the previous year as well as think through my roles and consider what goals God might be pleased to allow me to accomplish in the coming year. Here’s the 2009 list of what I plan to pursue, if the Lord wills(not particularly in order of importance):
One calling God has placed upon my life is to shepherd the flock of God among which I have been made an overseer (1 Peter 5:1-2). I don’t consider a calling to pastor the people of Crestview to be a chore, but it is a calling—a stewardship—to which God has called me to be faithful (1 Corinthians 4:2). Therefore, I want to resolve to be faithful in the coming year of ministry. This will mean continuing to faithfully administer God’s Word to people and, jettisoning the fear of man, faithfully equipping the people God has entrusted me to works of ministry (Ephesians 4:12).
God has also called me to specific roles in my home. As a husband, God has called me to lovingly lead my wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25-33). As a father, I have been entrusted with the task of supporting my family (1 Timothy 5:8) and fathering my children in a way that brings glory to God (Ephesians 6:4). In the coming year, I want to be a better father and strive to love Meg more by loving me less.
In terms of my personal spiritual life, I’ve benefited so much in the past year through reading. I hope to continue to grow in grace. In late 2008, I refined my personal vision to be such that since I am changed from the inside out by Christ’s atoning sacrifice for me on the cross, I want to grow downward in humility and upward to glorify and enjoy God, forever. I hope to continue daily Bible reading using my ESV Study Bible and For the Love of God (Vol. 2). Also, I hope that after 2009, I will have made progress in weakening pride and fear of man issues in my life.
In my personal life, I continue to want to honor God in my body (1 Corinthians 6:20). Recent success from the Lord (in losing up to 53 lbs. in the fall of 2008) give me encouragement that I can say “no” to ungodly passions and desires by God’s grace. Therefore, I hope in the coming year to lose more weight, continue exercise and discipline in a way that points to God’s grace (Titus 2:11-14).
So, these are my aims for the coming year. They are ever before me. By God’s grace, I hope to fine favor from Him in accomplishing these.
Hope you all have an awesome New Year and 2009 is a year you are blessed with God’s favor in remarkable ways.
Vacation Recap Part 1
I thought it might be helpful, since there are so many people who might be interested, in recaping what we have done on vacation since we left. So, here is a brief summary of the highlights to far.
Monday, Dec 22 – We left the house at 5:40AM and arrived at my Mom’s at 4:00PM. Pretty uneventful day of travel, really. We felt blessed by God that the boys did really well on the road and we were able to arrive before my Mom got off work (since part of our aim was to surprise her). We ended up meeting some other family at a restaurant called Moe’s. My mom was meeting this family there to go to the Saluki game that night. Mom was surprised and we ended up leaving there and heading to surprise my sister. Then, we came home and hit the hay.
Tuesday, Dec 23 – This was a fun, lazy day. I got up early (6:15AM) to read and enjoy coffee. After getting around, headed to store for my Mom (she had to work all day). Meg and I cooked a turkey and had supper on the table for Mom when she got home. There are 4-5 books I’m reading on top of regular quiet time stuff: In Christ Alone by Sinclair Ferguson, Don Carson’s Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor, Gilead by Marilynne Robinson, Relationships by Tripp & Lane, and The Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson. On this day, we also watched the Pixar film Cars and the Christmas classic White Christmas. I played with the boys a lot and enjoyed the relaxed pace. Things got crazy with company on the next day.
Wed, Dec 24 – I was up at a pretty decent hour and did morning reading. Got boys cleaned up and Andrew and I headed to store (yes, again!). We visited 2 different stores looking for a gift for my Mom (that she was getting for someone) and also made the daily trip to Wal Mart. After grabbing some lunch, my Mom’s brother Carl and Dusty came in. We all headed to my Mom’s church at 5PM. Lots of family came over afterward for pulled pork and other treats. Once home, we finished off the Advent calendar with the boys and relaxed with family in the evening.
Thurs, Dec 25 – Up early again and got around. My Mom’s parents showed around 10AM. Enjoyed a good visit with them. He is filled with pastoral wisdom. Pretty normal Christmas day for us here (presents, big meal, White Christmas Pie). My brother bought his sons Guitar Hero and we ended up playing it instead of them all afternoon (they were tied up with new PSP’s). The evening was pretty stressful with the 7 children racing around, but we survived.
Fri, Dec 26 – Meg and I (with Mom and the boys) got up early and shopped the post Christmas madness. We left at 8:30AM and returned around 4PM. We were able to get lots of items we needed. Once home, played Skip-Bo with family and worked on puzzle, ate supper, got boys cleaned up and got to bed.
Sat, Dec 27 – Was my brother’s birthday. We got up and headed to Paducah, KY to do more shopping (this is about 1 1/2 hours south of my Mom). Did get the best sleep this night too. I was looking for some shoes and finally found the ones I desired down there. Also got some new clothes. Once home and after celebrating my brother’s birthday, we got the boys cleaned up, played train with Andrew, and relaxed.
Sun, Dec 28 – Full Lord’s Day (but aren’t they usually this way for me?). After reading headed to my paternal grandparent’s church with all my siblings, Mom and kids. This church (Liberty Baptist in Ewing, IL) is the church my Gpa currently pastors. They are a country church and with all the family there, their attendance doubled. My cousins sang, I offered a greeting and my cousin’s husband, who pastors in Belle Rive preached. Oh, the reason for all this was it was grandfather’s 80th birthday. (No Auxier has lived to 80 since 1800.) It was quite the milestone. Enjoyed a nice day there and came back to Mom’s putting the kids down. Ended the cleaning out digital camera and digital video cameras. Oh, also headed to Lowe’s and purchased a new garage door opener for my Mom (hers bit the dust on Saturday night).
That is week #1. Now we have a few more days to go.
Thank You To My Peeps…
Any time I leave and get some time away on vacation, it takes a lot of people to fill in. I am really grateful, then, to the Elders in allowing some inconvenience to come their way so I can enjoy rest and relaxation. My secretary, Jandee Oard, for being the rock of organization I can rely on to cover the details. The deacons and their wives who work extra hard to not let details slip through the cracks. Various members of our worship ministry step up in big ways. And, this time, Graham Hill and his wife Beth Ann, who have taken time away from their family in Edmond to provide pulpit supply for me. I want all of you to know how grateful to God I am for you. You have chosen to be a servant and, thus, positioned yourselves for greatness. Know that I am being refreshed and will miss everyone, but I can be refreshed due to your actions.
Merry Christmas!
I wanted to take an opportunity to say Merry Christmas to everyone. Many of you may wonder if I made it to my Mom’s and if I was able to surprise her and the answer is yes. We have had a good, relaxing time so far and we have family coming in today and tomorrow.
Thank you to all who have made this past year such a blessing. We appreciate all of you and hope you have a blessed holiday.
Holiday Update
Just so you know, I will try and get an occasional post here and there but they might be sporadic during the coming holiday season.
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