I don’t know how to put into words how grateful I am for Jared Wilson. Over the years, Jared has written books at an amazing pace. But, even more impressive is the content of these books, helping the church to think through issues, as well as ultimately driving us back to the good news which not only is the starting point for our faith but the continuing point for our growth and godliness.
His latest book, Gospel-Driven Ministry, is another book that delivers. When I first started digging into this book, I wondered how it would differ from other things I’ve read from Jared on ministry centered on the good news. But, this book does deliver and help the reader have a sense of what ministry–specifically pastoral ministry–looks like when Jesus is everything to you.
Some things that have stood out to me upon my first time through the book have been: helping pastors to root their identity in Jesus, encouraging pastors to be encountering God in worship as they study, prodding us to lead congregations not merely settle for what shakes down, and to pastor people through our preaching.
This book will certainly serve those who are called to some sort of full-time ministry. But, in a deeper way, it will help those who are curious about what pastors should be and do. In other words, church people will be helped by it. So, I encourage you to take advantage of this book. Take up and read Gospel-Driven Ministry by Jared C. Wilson.
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