My 4/10/22 sermon at Crestview, Palm Sunday’s Invitations (John 12:12-19 and Revelation 1:4-6), is online. The sermon sought to draw us out from ourselves and into the reality that Jesus entered Jerusalem as King. What this means for our lives speaks of an invitation to reflect on Him and to come under His rule and reign. I hope you are encouraged as we step into Holy Week together.
Weekend Recap – Calling Followers
My 3/20/16AM sermon from Palm Sunday 2016 entitled Calling Followers from John 1:35-51 is now online. This passage was an amazing journey in helping us see the journey that goes with being a follower of Jesus: seeing Jesus for who He is, following Him, and being set on a course to awe Him. I hope it encourages you and helps you grow as a follower of Jesus.
Weekend Preview – Palm Sunday 2016
Weekend Recap – 3/29/15
My 3/29/15AM sermon, The Good Shepherd from John 10:11-18, is now online. This sermon proved to be a great text for Palm Sunday as seeing that the Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep is such a profound truth in the section of Scripture. Holy Week builds to Jesus’ death and resurrection and these themes easily emerged from Jesus’ own description of what He came to do. I hope this sermon encourages you, as well.
Carson on how Good Friday relates to Easter
In the Pillar NT Commentary on John, here’s a great connection Don Carson makes (commenting on John 10:17):
Jesus lays down his life in order to take it up again. Jesus’ sacrificial death was not an end in itself, and his resurrection an afterthought. His death was with the resurrection in view. He died in order to rise, and by his rising to proceed toward his ultimate glorification (12:23; 17:5) and the pouring out of the Spirit (7:37–39) so that others, too, might live.
Back from Gospel Coalition…Ready for Palm Sunday…
I’ve had a rich, full week, centering on Jesus with others at the Gospel Coalition. Tomorrow, Lord willing, we will be back in Hebrews (Hebrews 2:1-4, specifically) to see exactly what we are to do with the amazing revelation of God in His Son. Hope you come seeking the Lord, desperate for Him.
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