Today, you are loved. The measure of Jesus’s love for you is calibrated by the love that His Father had for Him. So, look up; Jesus loves you deeply. Abide in His love. (John 15:9-10)
Abiding and Crestview’s Women’s Prayer Retreat
For a past few weeks in 1 John, over and over again the theme of abiding has emerged. I asked Monica Warren to journal some thoughts in her mind around this idea (Monica is one of the coordinators for the Women’s Prayer Retreat this Fall which has chosen the theme “Abide” for their time together). Here’s her musings these days…
Weekend Recap – 9/27/15
My 9/27/15AM sermon, United to Christ from 1 John 2:28-29, is now online (this was also discussed with Small Groups). The sermon was kind of a final engagement of our hearts before chapter 3 to make sure we’re abiding. Specifically, abiding in the Gospel, or in Jesus Himself, is THE way we prepare for the end of this life. I also sought to marvel at how Jesus Christ is righteous and make some connections for how that relates to the way we live. I hope this sermon helps you.
Weekend Recap – Deception
My 9/20/15AM sermon, Deception from 1 John 2:26-27, is now online. The sermon encircled that ongoing theme in 1 John of abiding. You might think that the best defense about deception would be a good offense. But, in 1 John, the answer is abiding, not just abiding in the message, but abiding in Jesus, who is the message. I think if you listen to this sermon you, too, may be helped to fend off deceptions that come your way.
Abiding In Our Confession
My 9/13/15AM sermon, Abiding in Our Confession, from 1 John 2:22-25, is now online. The sermon is our there for your benefit, but I think this sermon affected me by pointing me to how confessing Christ as my Savior and Lord is manifested in abiding in Him for eternity. I push back against this at times seeking to carve out some other rogue identity. But only an identity in Him — highlighting who He is and what He’s done — will last forever. I hope this sermon helps you, too.
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