Each year, as the new year is quickly approaching, I take time to review the previous year as well as think through my roles and consider what goals God might be pleased to allow me to accomplish in the coming year. Here’s the 2009 list of what I plan to pursue, if the Lord wills(not particularly in order of importance):
One calling God has placed upon my life is to shepherd the flock of God among which I have been made an overseer (1 Peter 5:1-2). I don’t consider a calling to pastor the people of Crestview to be a chore, but it is a calling—a stewardship—to which God has called me to be faithful (1 Corinthians 4:2). Therefore, I want to resolve to be faithful in the coming year of ministry. This will mean continuing to faithfully administer God’s Word to people and, jettisoning the fear of man, faithfully equipping the people God has entrusted me to works of ministry (Ephesians 4:12).
God has also called me to specific roles in my home. As a husband, God has called me to lovingly lead my wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25-33). As a father, I have been entrusted with the task of supporting my family (1 Timothy 5:8) and fathering my children in a way that brings glory to God (Ephesians 6:4). In the coming year, I want to be a better father and strive to love Meg more by loving me less.
In terms of my personal spiritual life, I’ve benefited so much in the past year through reading. I hope to continue to grow in grace. In late 2008, I refined my personal vision to be such that since I am changed from the inside out by Christ’s atoning sacrifice for me on the cross, I want to grow downward in humility and upward to glorify and enjoy God, forever. I hope to continue daily Bible reading using my ESV Study Bible and For the Love of God (Vol. 2). Also, I hope that after 2009, I will have made progress in weakening pride and fear of man issues in my life.
In my personal life, I continue to want to honor God in my body (1 Corinthians 6:20). Recent success from the Lord (in losing up to 53 lbs. in the fall of 2008) give me encouragement that I can say “no” to ungodly passions and desires by God’s grace. Therefore, I hope in the coming year to lose more weight, continue exercise and discipline in a way that points to God’s grace (Titus 2:11-14).
So, these are my aims for the coming year. They are ever before me. By God’s grace, I hope to fine favor from Him in accomplishing these.
Hope you all have an awesome New Year and 2009 is a year you are blessed with God’s favor in remarkable ways.