My 4/12/15AM sermon, The Way, The Truth and The Life from John 14:1-7 is now online. This sermon was me unpacking what Jesus meant when He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” There is a bit of a context and Jesus’ words give good comfort to all kinds of troubled hearts. I hope you find it encouraging today.
Weekend Recap – 3/22/15
My 3/22/15AM sermon, Jesus Is The Door from John 10:7-10 is now online (Small Group Questions here). I had been out of the pulpit a couple of weeks with my India trip, so it was good to return to this series that our church is doing through this Easter season.
This particular sermon highlighted how Jesus is exclusive from other religious leaders, how He’s the Savior and how He gives abundant life. So, I’m hoping this sermon was helpful and engaging and promoting a deeper reliance on Him.
Weekend Recap – 3/1/15
My 3/1/15AM sermon, Introduction to the I Am’s from John 20:30-31 is now online. This sermon introduced a sermon series our church is pursuing through the Easter season on the 7 I Am’s of Jesus in John’s Gospel. Here’s a helpful chart overviewing where we’re headed:
My hope through this sermon was to help people connect to John’s purpose: that we may see Christ and believing in Him, we may have life in His name. Hope you have a great Sunday.
Weekend Recap – Christmas Defined
My 12/21/14AM sermon was titled Christmas Defined from John 3:16. This sermon is now online. The definition we were driven to was: Christmas is God’s love coming to us through His Son calling us away from ourselves to real life. I hope it blesses you this holiday week.
Weekend Preview – Word Became Flesh
This coming Sunday is Christmas. My advent series through John’s Gospel will culminate this Sunday as we look at John 1:14:
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Christmas is really about this truth. The Word, Jesus, became flesh like you and me and lived among us. He came and displayed glory and this glory was like glory from the Father: it was full of grace and truth.
This week, continue to marvel at God become a man and come this Lord’s Day anticipating a sight of His glory as we unfold this amazing verse and wonder at the Incarnation.
Weekend Review – 12/18/11
We enjoyed a great Lord’s Day yesterday morning at Crestview. Our children sang to open our service, we sang great carols exalting our Savior, and had a great morning in John’s Gospel. My sermon, Receiving Jesus, from John 1:11-13 sought to give 3 aspects of receiving Him. He’s often missed by people, and He’s received by believers, who are born of God.
In the evening, we gathered to watch Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God on DVD. This worshipful time helps us see how the Bible connects together to point to Jesus. All in all, it was a terrific day.
Receive Him!
This coming Lord’s Day, we plan to continue to work through John’s Advent account and specifically hone in on John 1:11-13. In these verses, we are told something shocking on one level: Jesus’ own people rejected Him. Humanly speaking, it is almost unfathomable that the Creator of all things could come to His people and they would reject Him, but that is precisely what happened. But, Jesus was received. He was received by those who believed in His name and lest those who believe start to puff themselves up in self-righteous thinking, John reminds those believers that it wasn’t some magic decision they did of their own will, but it happened because they were born of God. This holiday season, have you received Jesus or rejected Him. Receive Him by believing in His name and in so doing prove that you are born of God.
Weekend Recap – 12/4/11
My sermon from 12/4/11 entitled Word in Creation from John 1:3-5 is now online. I love it when God turns the light on and I experienced a most amazing thing in delivering this sermon. It was almost as if while I was delivering it its truth became more clear and I was moved to see it in deeper and richer ways. I praise God for moments like this. It is truly very humbling to see God move in such amazing ways.
The sermon itself sought to show just how God got messy when He came to earth. Specifically, we saw that we were made by the Word (and, as a result made for Him). We also saw that He is the source of life and His life-giving work can’t be stopped.
In the evening, my small group met and we discussed the Respectable Sin of Anger. Very convicting and helpful discussion. What a full Lord’s Day. I trust and hope that yours was a blessing as well.
Weekend Preview – Word & Creation
This coming Lord’s Day, 12/4, we hope to return to John 1:3-5 and pick up where we left off last week. Last week, we saw in John 1:1-2 that the Eternal Word is God and has existed in a personal relationship to the Father forever. This week, though, we transition to see how this Word came near to us. Specifically, if He was there in creation, how does He relate us. The sermon will unfold how Jesus is related to creation as Creator, Life-Giver and Evil-Conquering Head.
There’s a reason that Revelation 3:14 announces that the message to that church was from “The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God’s creation.” We all owe our existence to Christ. We truly live to the degree that we function in this reality. Come hungry this Sunday to see the greatness of Jesus Christ, the Word, as He relates to His creation.