On Sunday PM, 5/20/12, we began a new book in our Small Group Ministry entitled Who Am I? by Jerry Bridges. This book explores our identity in Christ. For our first session, we read the introduction and chapter 1, I Am A Creature. Here’s the questions I developed for use in our small group based on these:
Related to the short introduction…In the introduction, Bridges said, “As Christians…our identity is to be found in our relationship with Christ, not in our subjective and often negative life experiences.” Why do we base so much of our identity in these things rather than who we are in Christ?
What benefit do you think it will give to answer the question, “Who am I in Christ?” Why is that important?
Related to chapter 1 I Am A Creature:Why would being a creature, created in God’s image, be an important starting point for our discussion of who we are?
In describing how, as creatures, we are utterly dependent, Bridges noted that we are dependent for: Food, Life & Breath, Plans, Abilities. Which of these stood out to you, why?
How are you guilty of not being dependent upon God for everything?
How does realizing that we’re physically fragile help our being dependent upon God?
Have you ever heard the saying, “Pride goes before a fall?” How does this relate to being spiritually vulnerable? Why is this so important for our dependence upon God?
Why do we so easily reject our moral accountability before God?
Bridges encouraged 2 applications in light of this chapter: humility and gratitude. What other applications does this have for our lives?