that’s how I think of humility and leadership in the local church. We all know that it’s important for us to be humble. Many of us (pastors) give ourselves a way too flattering appraisal when it comes to this. This post from Deepak Reju over at 9Marks entitled Humility and Leadership proved helpful for me. Here’s the questions he gave in discerning the nature of our humility:
* Are you willing and open to learning about the Bible from staff or members who don’t have as much preaching or theological training as you do?
* Are you willing to take constructive criticism from staff members, interns, church members, or your wife? (If you are not sure, ask them if they think you are open to constructive critique.)
* In a deacon or elder or committee meeting (or whatever form of leadership you have), are you willing to be voted down by others? Do you hold a grudge against those who would dare vote against you?
* Have you ever considered asking your kids (or your wife) how you are doing at parenting?
* In a deacon or elder or committee meeting (or whatever form of leadership you have), do you always speak early so that everyone follows your direction? Or do you hold your words until the end of your discussions so that other leaders can think through the issues without being quickly swayed by your opinions?
* Have you thought about cultivating humility in your life? If not, consider reading this in 2011.
* Have you thought about cultivating humility in your staff and in your church? What would it mean for your staff to be open to given and receiving godly criticism?
Great stuff, really. So…how about you? Much talk, little action?