This coming Lord’s Day, we will be looking at Hebrews 3:7-19 and a negative example of what faithfulness to God looks like (from the children of Israel in Numbers 13-14). One of the big warnings is to not have a hard heart. Here’s an excellent definition from William Lane in his book Hebrews: A Call To Commitment:
Hardness of heart signifies treating the Lord with contempt; it is the refusal to believe in the Lord; it is choosing to listen to human voices of despair rather than listening to the voice of God. (p.64)
As you think about your response to God’s Word, are you characterized by a hard heart? Think about your response? Do you treat God with contempt? Are you refusing to believe Him in any area? Are you choosing to listen to human voices over God’s voice? Check your heart and keep it with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life (Proverbs 4:23).