My 12/16/12AM sermon, Sympathizing, from Hebrews 4:14-16 not only continued our Christmas in Hebrews series, but also helped orient us in light of the amazing tragedy of last Friday. You see what we most desperately need is the solid foundation that God is not apathetic or aloof from the troubles of this world and this life. We have a Savior, in Jesus, who was tempted in all ways as we are yet without sin. We have a throne of grace that we can access because of Christ and receive mercy and find grace to help in times of need. We don’t have to raise our fist and wonder at God, but humble ourselves before Him, for He surely knows the pain of searing loss. He knows the cries of the hurting. And, He responds by actually doing something to remedy this for eternity. I hope you were encouraged in these things this Lord’s day and have a blessed week.
Weekend Preview – Jesus, The Helper
Jesus, the Son of God, took on flesh to help mankind. For two weeks, I’ve highlighted, in my Christmas in Hebrews series, how He’s done that. Specifically, last week, I made a connection that Jesus doesn’t merely help people — He specifically helps the offspring of Abraham (Hebrews 2:16) those relating to Him by faith.
This Sunday, Lord-willing, we hope to look at another great incarnation text from Hebrews (Hebrews 4:14-16) and see how it is exactly that Jesus helps believers. And, we will see that Jesus comes to help us when we are most needy. He does this as a sympathizing High Priest. Come, then, seeing how Jesus passed through the heavens to come and help you. He was tempted as we are when He walked on earth. His incarnation makes His help real and tangible. Come, ready to be helped by Him this Sunday.
Weekend Recap – Sharing Flesh and Blood
My 12/9/12AM sermon, Sharing Flesh and Blood, from Hebrews 2:14-18 is now online. This sermon is the second of four during my Christmas In Hebrews series, highlighting truth about Jesus becoming man from the book of Hebrews. The sermon, specifically, highlighted the benefits that believers receive because Jesus was born in the flesh: we receive the destruction of death, deliverance from death’s fear, and Jesus’ work as High Priest.
It was encouraging for me to think about how Jesus had to be born to make these realities, well, ahem, reality. If Christ doesn’t come and live these out, then I am left to fight death myself or I am left to be high priest (or at least rest in someone who does the job better). But, Jesus came and finalized the work of a High Priest. He put death to death. In Christ, then, especially during His incarnation, we have great hope for living and benefit in amazing ways.
I hope you’re being encouraged in these truths this holiday season.
Weekend Recap – Lower For A Little While
My 12/2/12AM sermon, Lower For A Little While, from Hebrews 2:9 is now online. This sermon kicked off a new Advent series I’m calling Christmas In Hebrews. There are specific ways that God reveals truth to us in this book. Specifically, the writer of Hebrews says that in the present, we see Jesus. We see Him as God become man, as dying for glory and suffering for us. As we look with spiritual eyes into this truth, we can find reality for this Christmas season. I hope you had a great Lord’s Day, too.
Weekend Recap – Hebrews Wrap Up
Yesterday, I finished preaching through Hebrews with sermon #67 entitled “Listen Up!” from Hebrews 13:22-25. The sermon sought to show how compellingly God has shown His heart for His people in giving them real incentives to listen to the message of the book of Hebrews. Jesus is THE compelling storyline that must be heard and focused in on. I sought to build and encourage this thinking through my sermon.
It’s been a great study to look at how the storyline of the Bible is so centered in Jesus, who He is and what He came to do. That seems to be the undertone of the book of Hebrews.
As for the rest of the Lord’s Day, we celebrated the Lord’s Supper together, had an Information Meeting for our Annual Meeting and also spent the evening Hanging The Greens at church. Advent is truly an amazing season in church life.
Hope you had a great Lord’s Day as well.
Weekend Preview – Listen Up
This Sunday, we plan to wrap up the book of Hebrews (Hebrews 13:22-25) and what we find in these verses, among other things, are compelling reasons that we should listen to the message of the book. Hebrews doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There were real circumstances and cares that led the author to write. As these emerge, we find hope for how we can listen more effectively. It’s really a great way to end the book, thinking about why the message it contains is so important.
Weekend Recap – Benediction
My 11/18/12AM sermon, Benediction, from Hebrews 13:20-21 is now online. In this sermon, I sought to unpack Biblical hope. You see, God has all the credentials in the world in His proven track record of working for peace with mankind. He is also at work to accomplish the sanctification that Jesus’ death inaugurated. Finally, His aim in all of this is the glory of His Son. Therefore, much hope is ours through God and the Gospel. Hope you find this to be true in this passage and hope your Lord’s Day equipped you to this end.
Weekend Preview – Gospel Hope
As we near the close of the book of Hebrews on Sunday Mornings at Crestview, tomorrow we come to Hebrews 13:20-21. It is really a prayer that the writer has for his readers. He wants them to get the message of the Gospel and what it means for the people. Tomorrow, as we look at this benediction, I’m hoping to inspire hope in you as we look at the hope that this writer has for the people.
So, come expecting to built up in hope…
Weekend Recap – Prayer Encouraged
My 11/11/12AM sermon, Prayer Encouraged from Hebrews 13:18-19 is online. In this sermon, I sought to, once again, ground everyone in the Gospel (has to be the case reading the book of Hebrews) and help them see how that encourages pray. Specifically, my outline involved 3 directions for prayer: we pray for people, Gospel-centered living and circumstances.
I hope the sermon helped people to see the access they have to their Father and to pray more diligently.
And, I hope you had a blessed Lord’s Day.
Weekend Preview – Prayer
This coming Lord’s Day, we plan on looking on Hebrews 13:18-19 and it’s call for people to pray. There are some specific ways this author contributes to our thinking on prayer that will, undoubtedly, be a great encouragement to us. We all know the importance of prayer. This, coupled with the amazing truths we’ve seen time and time again in the book of Hebrews about how we’re made acceptable in God’s sight, what our great High Priest has done to give us confidence to enter, and how Christ Himself is interceding make this a very exciting text to pursue this weekend.
I hope you’ll come and be encouraged to be a person of prayer.
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