A conviction I’ve become more aware of in recent days is the need for me to shepherd my own family before the congregation. In his chapter, The Pastor’s Home, in Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry, Richard Mayhue writes:
A strong home begins with the pastor. He must take the biblical qualifications for ministry seriously, even if no one else does. A weak home means a weak ministry — that’s the pastor’s bottom line. Regardless of the circumstances, the pastor must lead–first at home as a biblical priority.
Leadership in the home is a must for any pastor. This is both encouraging (that God has granted me this priority) and discouraging (realizing how often I fail to live up to His standard). God in His grace, though, in setting apart men to serve as elders, sets them apart to excel in the pastoring of their homes. This must be our priorities.
Now, what implication does this have for any married person? God has set apart your leaders in the local church to model what He intends all of us to be. It is not just pastors who are called to excel in godly homes. God has called all of us to have homes that honor Him. I was so encouraged last night talking to a family with a child on the way. I asked them how I could pray and they both, without hesitation, said, “That we would be more consistent in our personal devotions.” They recognize a primary call God has placed on their lives. As we center our lives on God’s design we will have homes that glorify and enjoy Him, forever.