This coming Friday night, October 12, we will begin a series at HomeWord which will be looking at our communication. I thought some words from Paul David Tripp would be helpful in whetting your appetite for this study…
“No matter where you live, no matter what you do every day, there is one thing that you do all day long. You talk. From the first, “Is it time to get up already?” to the final “Good-night, I gotta get some sleep,” you talk. In the bedroom, bathroom, hallway, and kitchen, in the car, the store, the factory, and the boardroom, you talk. To your spouse, children, friends, family, neighbors, and fellow-workers, you talk. It is what humans do, almost without interruption and often without a thought about how important it is to human life. The ability to communicate is one of the things that separates us from the rest of creation. We are people and we talk. We need to recognize how “wordy” our lives actually are.” (Taken from War of Words by Paul David Tripp, Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing, 2000, p.3)
Communication is a huge and vital part of our interaction with one another in relationships. Whether it is marriage or interaction in the workplace, effective communication is key. Join us this Friday, from 7-9 at the church to be refined in this area. I plan to post audio and application questions here next Monday.