Lots to think about today on this day of anguish and misery, thinking about our sin putting Jesus on the cross, but also a day in which our redemption was finished as “It is Finished” was declared:
Good Friday
(See Matthew 27:1-61, Mark 15:1-47, Luke 23:1-56, John 18:28-19:42.)On Thursday night in Gethsemane, Jesus was arrested—betrayed by one of His own disciples and abandoned by the others. The Chief Priests and the Sanhedrin called for secret trials in the dead of night, and the verdict handed down was that Jesus would be crucified. This was something the Roman Prefect, Pontius Pilate, would have to execute. And reluctantly, he did.
After a severe beating, Jesus was nailed to a cross where He’d remain for six hours until dead. Never before or since had more been lost and gained at the same time as at Jesus’ crucifixion. The world gained the atoning sacrifice of Christ. But for those present, either the significance of the moment was lost on them or their hearts broke because the One they believed to be the Savior of the world was dying at the hands of Rome. They couldn’t stop it and they didn’t realize it was for them. They hoped in Him, and though He had told them He would suffer many things and rise three days later, (Mk 8:31) how could they have possibly known this was what He meant?
TVC Children’s Blog urges families to:
As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s resurrection, we turn our eyes to His death.
Build a fort and read the story of Jesus’ death in Luke 14:43-15:47 in the fort. Then read Hebrews 12:2 and talk through the questions below:
1. What happened to Jesus before the cross?
2. What do you think Jesus was thinking and feeling?
3. How did Jesus die?
4. What did they do with Jesus’ body?
5. What did Jesus have set before Him that helped Him endure the cross?As you finish talking, it might be quiet or somber or more serious. Don’t feel rushed to change that. Let the death of Jesus weigh on you as you wait for Sunday – the day we celebrate that Christ has risen and is alive, the day that shows He has authority over sin and death. Amen!
Ponder what these events mean and seek to glorify Jesus as you join others to worship tonight. If you’re able, please join us at Crestview for our Good Friday Service at 7PM.