In late May, I began 202 days of journaling through the 404 verses of the final book of the Bible, Revelation. To go along with my personal study and preparation to preach through this book in 2013, I’m trying to tweet something from every verse. Today I finished chapter 3. Here’s a compilation of my tweets followed by the reference.
Revelation 1 | Revelation 2
Jesus knows your involvement in the local church and whether or not it’s a show or for real. (Revelation 3:1)
Some of us need to WAKE UP from complacency & sloppy inconsistent living of what we believe. (Revelation 3:2)
God’s remedy: remember what you’ve learned, keep it and repent, lest He come. (Revelation 3:3)
Jesus always has a people who are set apart from the world, walking with Him. (Revelation 3:4)
As we persevere in faith, Jesus will keep us pure and persevering, commending us to the Father. #gloriousmystery (Revelation 3:5)
Not only is the Holy Spirit alive and real, He’s got something to say to the church. Listen up. (Revelation 3:6)
The church need to listen and be awed by Jesus, who is holy, true and fully of authority. (Revelation 3:7)
Jesus knows your life and is in control. Feel weak? He still calls you to honor His name. (Revelation 3:8)
Jesus will one day right the wrongs of deception out of love for His people. (Revelation 3:9)
Persevering in keeping God’s Word ensures that He will keep us, no matter what comes. (Revelation 3:10)
Because Jesus is surely returning, we ought to continue to persevere toward our eternal reward. (Revelation 3:11)
Perseverance = being established by God Himself, eternally. (Revelation 3:12)
Got ears? Listen to what God is saying…for reals. (Revelation 3:13)
When Jesus speaks, He speaks an an authoritative, reliable and relevant person. (Revelation 3:14)
Jesus knows your life and wants you to believe. (Revelation 3:15)
Casual Christianity (relating to God as it’s comfortable) isn’t appealing to Jesus. (Revelation 3:16)
Living life without an active dependence on God grossly underestimates your spiritual reality. (Revelation 3:17)
Jesus’ counsel is that we come to Him as desperately needy people. (Revelation 3:18)
Jesus demonstrates His love by correcting those He loves, so we should nurture a heart for Him. (Revelation 3:19)
Hey! Jesus longs for fellowship with His people, so give Him a warm welcome. (Revelation 3:20)
When we persevere in Jesus, in the end we are given a hero’s welcome by Him. (Revelation 3:21)
Open your ears and hear what Jesus has to say. (Revelation 3:22)
Tweets from Revelation 2
In late May, I began 202 days of journaling through the 404 verses of the final book of the Bible, Revelation. To go along with my personal study and preparation to preach through this book in 2013, I’m trying to tweet something from every verse. Today I finished chapter 2. Here’s a compilation of my tweets followed by the reference.
Revelation 1
Jesus is very involved and aware of the life and ministry of the local church. (Revelation 2:1)
Jesus knows what local churches are doing and has right to speak commendation and/or judgment. (Revelation 2:2)
Jesus is very aware of your patient endurance and your not growing weary in the difficult times. (Revelation 2:3)
Since love fulfills the law, Jesus is always calling us to deeper love of God and neighbor. (Revelation 2:4)
Jesus’ call for His straying people is always repent and return. (Revelation 2:5)
We ought to nurture a love & knowledge of God so that we hate what He hates. (Revelation 2:6)
Listen up! If we endure to the end we get eternal life in heaven. (Revelation 2:7)
Jesus, who died, was raised, & is everything has something to say to the church. (Revelation 2:8)
Jesus knows your good times and bad as well as the true condition of people around you. (Revelation 2:9)
Don’t fear but persevere in suffering for Christ; the time is short compared to the eternal blessings that will come. (Revelation 2:10)
Listen up! Persevere in Christ & enjoy eternal life. (Revelation 2:11)
The church needs to listen to what has been said in God’s Word. (Revelation 2:12)
Jesus knows where you are & what your life is: your faithfulness & faithlessness. (Revelation 2:13)
Jesus has disdain for teachings that don’t result in His worship. (Revelation 2:14)
An easy way to recognize false teaching is to examine the fruit it produces (Revelation 2:15)
If we refuse to repent, Jesus Himself will work through His Word to lead us there. (Revelation 2:16)
Listen up! Persevering trusts in God’s provision & our identity in Him. (Revelation 2:17)
The Lord Jesus is holy. (Revelation 2:18)
Jesus knows our life and whether or not we are living out what we believe. (Revelation 2:19)
Jesus is against us when we tolerate things that are an affront to Him. (Revelation 2:20)
Jesus calls us to repent of specific sins, most notably sexual immorality. (Revelation 2:21)
Refusing to repent has consequences, including further judgment. (Revelation 2:22)
Jesus searches our minds and hearts and perfectly judges accordingly. (Revelation 2:23)
There is a blessing for avoiding things that dishonor God. (Revelation 2:24)
Jesus is coming back; therefore, let’s persevere to the end. (Revelation 2:25)
If we persevere in well-doing, Jesus promises to reward it. (Revelation 2:26)
Look forward to the day when your faith is made sight and you live in God’s authority. (Revelation 2:27)
For those who persevere to the end, we will one day appear like Jesus. (Revelation 2:28)
Listen up, church, God has something to say today. (Revelation 2:29)
Tweets from Revelation 1
In late May, I began 202 days of journaling through the 404 verses of the final book of the Bible, Revelation. To go along with my personal study and preparation to preach through this book in 2013, I’m trying to tweet something from every verse. Today I finished chapter 1. Here’s a compilation of my tweets followed by the reference.
The final book of the Bible is a singular revelation of a specific person: Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1)
John was qualified to capture this b/c he saw it (Revelation 1:2)
If you apply yourself to study the final book of the Bible you’re promised a blessing (Revelation 1:3)
God: the timeless One (Revelation 1:4)
Jesus is a Sovereign Savior (Revelation 1:5)
Because of what Jesus has done for His people, He’s worthy of all worship forever. (Revelation 1:6)
Jesus is surely returning and everyone will know! (Revelation 1:7)
The Lord God Almighty is everything. (Revelation 1:8)
As Christians, we partner together in Jesus, which means tribulation, a kingdom & endurance. (Revelation 1:9)
Sundays are great days to devote ourselves to seeking the Spirit. (Revelation 1:10)
God’s revelation of His Son is meant to build up churches. (Revelation 1:11)
God means to clearly communicate through His Word. (Revelation 1:12)
Jesus, the Son of man, dwells among His people. (Revelation 1:13)
Jesus is wisdom personified. (Revelation 1:14)
The work and the word of the Son of God are powerful and effective. (Revelation 1:15)
Jesus is radiant in His people through His powerful word. (Revelation 1:16)
A revelation of Jesus will drive us to our knees in worship. (Revelation 1:17)
Jesus lived, died and lives forevermore with all authority over eternity. (Revelation 1:18)
God has always clearly articulated who He is for people in His Word. (Revelation 1:19)
God sometimes unveils mystery for the good of His people. (Revelation 1:20)