Like me, you may wonder how did Easter come to be associated with bunnies and eggs. Comedian Jim Gaffigan in a bit called Holidays, says, “Easter, that’s a weird tradition. Easter, the day Jesus rose from the dead, what shall we do? How ’bout eggs? Well, what does that have to do with Jesus? Alright, we’ll hide ’em. I don’t follow your logic. Don’t worry there’s a bunny.” I was helped greatly by a post over at the Resurgence entitled “Since When Did Bunnies Have Eggs?” I hope it helps you as you engage with others about the truth of Easter this week.
Spurgeon Wallpaper
I have been greatly helped by the resources over at the Resurgence. We use their theological posters to help teach men doctrine (their posted over the urinals in our restrooms). I was happy this weekend to see that they released a new wallpaper: The Spurgeon. Enjoy.
Raising Obedient Children
As a man struggling to subdue my sinful nature married to a wife in the same struggle, seeking to raise 2 boys who have somehow managed to learn how sin (shocking isn’t it?) I found this post over at The Resurgence, Raising Obedient Children, helpful. The points they cover are:
1. We are confident in our God-given parental authority.
2. We never count to three.
3. We model it ourselves to authority figures in our lives.
4. We try not to exasperate our children (Ephesians 6:4).
5. We use appropriate forms of punishment.
6. We are convinced that it really is worth the effort.
Jeremy Carr has an excellent post over at the Resurgence entitled Make Plans, Not Resolutions. He highlights three types of people: the Non-Planner, the Solo Planner and the Proverbs 16:1 Planner. The Proverbs 16 Planner is:
The Proverbs 16 planner understands that God-centered and God-motivated plans honor the Lord, bless the planner, and benefit others.
This short post would be a helpful read for you. We all can plan better. Some of us need to lighten up and center on God. Others need to plan because their lives are jumbled messes. Either way, we can plan effectively because God is a planning God, trusting Him to direct us.
A Cross-Centered Church…
…looks like this.
Young Men, Beware!
Here’s a helpful post on how young men need to avoid these 5 dangers (a post by Mike Anderson on J.C. Ryle’s piece).
Men, beware of…
1) Pride
2) Love of Pleasure
3) Thoughtlessness
4) Contempt of Religion
5) Fear of Man’s Opinion