The latest 9Marks E-Journal (for July/August 09) is online. The focus is on Missions. Good reading!
Short Term Mission Trips…
Over at Desiring God, Bill Walsh, who helps oversee International Outreach, has been doing a series of posts all week on short term mission trips. Very good stuff to consider if you have something planned this summer or are wondering about the long term vision of these short trips…
Rethinking Short Term Missions (Day 1)
Effect of Short Term Missions on Poverty (Day 2)
Our Needs & Their Needs (Day 3)
Teaching as a Short Term Missions Strategy (Day 4)
Doing Missions As Servants (Day 5)
HeartCry Missionary Society
The Heartcry Missionary Society is a missions society based out of Muscle Shoals, AL. They have some very healthy distinctives and seek to ground all they do in good theology. Paul David Washer is a leading part of this organization.
Their latest magazine is now online and contains some excellent information on Missions and Methodology.
Missions Fest in the Books…
I was just thinking this afternoon about how gracious God was to us this past weekend. Normally, one wouldn’t think of a near natural disaster as a blessing, but this weekend was. Here are some thoughts I had on this…
First off, our hearts are with Central Christian Schools. The roof fell in on their cafeteria, but God, in His grace, allowed no children to be present and used this to possibly save other schools from the same fate.
Related to the Missions Fest (Eyes Open Weekend), here are some thoughts…
1) God was gracious to allow Freddy Wyatt to get here and get rest. Some of you may be familiar with the break-neck speed at which life operates for those of us in ministry. We don’t really have set hours and get calls of all kinds. The life of a church planter takes this demand and simply intensifies it. Freddy and his family have been going non-stop since moving to NY in October. This weekend allowed him to get rest. God was gracious in this way.
2) God demonstrated grace to us in what was shared last night. What an incredible evening. Freddy did finally get to speak (check out the audio of it), and was able to challenge us to share the good news of the Gospel with others. The meal was fantastic (Thanks Adam!) and getting to fellowship with the saints was a huge blessing. The praise team did an excellent job in pointing us to the Gospel (Thanks Arwen, Kathy, Chris, Conor, Jandee, Theoden and Elrond). There were just blessing after blessings happening last night and after being cooped up all weekend, getting back with the saints was a welcome relief.
3) God allowed some to finish the project at Open Door. We had 3 projects to accomplish this weekend. 2 were cancelled due to the weather, but some faithful workers were able to finish putting some new paint on the walls of the Crisis Pregnancy Center yesterday. Praise God for that.
God was at work in more ways than we know. We should simply praise Him with hearts of thanksgiving–not only for the incredible benefits of the Gospel we daily walk in–but for the weekend in which His glory was manifest.
Penn on Evangelism…
We were so well served by Freddy Wyatt at our Missions Night. In his talk, Freddy hinted at the following video. Enjoy and be challenged.
Church Schedule on Sunday, March 29…
Wanted to do all I can to communicate about tomorrow…
We are cancelling the AM activities (including SS and Worship).
We will have Evening Activities, starting at 5PM.
BBQ Meal followed by Freddy Wyatt speaking. We look forward to seeing you then.
Update on Tonight…
Yes, tonight’s Mission’s Festival is cancelled. In case you don’t know, Hutchinson is currently under a Blizzard Warning and they have even been telling us that “thunder snow” (whatever that is) is possible.
Our plan is to get together Sunday AM for:
SS – Report from Freddy Wyatt on the New York City Mission
Worship – Freddy Preaching
Noon Meal (with the food we had prepared for Friday PM)
PM Worship – Church Commissioning with Charge from Freddy
Hope to see you Sunday and be safe.
Give Me Your Eyes…
This weekend is our church’s missions festival devoted to helping our eyes be opened to needs around and we would meet this with a compelling service and Spirit-empowered witness.
Our special guest is Freddy Wyatt, a church planter from NYC.
Here’s the video of the theme song we’ll be utilizing: Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath.