This Lord’s Day, 2/13, we plan to look at Matthew 6:12 and what “and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors” means. I’ve been greatly helped by Ken Sande and Peacemaker Ministries in my growth on this area.
Read the 4 G’s article and you will see Sande talk about the 4 Promises of Forgiveness (which I will allude to in Sunday’s sermon). Here’s the 4 Promises:
1. “I will not dwell on this incident.”
2. “I will not bring up this incident again and use it against you.”
3. “I will not talk to others about this incident.”
4. “I will not let this incident stand between us or hinder our personal relationship.”
Let’s anticipate great things from God tomorrow as we gather to revel in these truths…