Boasting is such a sinister, sneaky thing in our lives. It seems like we’re merely drawing attention to something that we had a part in, but our motives for such a pursuit are often suspicious. My sermon on 4/27/14AM entitled Faith Alone: No Boasting from Romans 3:27-4:12 is now online. This sermon sought to show how being made right before God by faith alone should mean that we don’t boast in it as something we’ve done, but that we boast in the Lord. I hope this sermon encourages you in this regard and hope you had a blessed Lord’s Day.
Weekend Recap – Vacation…
Well, it’s the Monday AM of our vacation. We had a great weekend worshipping at Grace Church of Ovilla. Sunday afternoon, we headed to the Dallas World Aquarium. Then, for supper, ate downtown at the Spaghetti Warehouse.
Back home at Crestview, we were served by Mickey Zimmerman from Grace Baptist in Manhattan. I was excited about his sermon on justification from Romans 3. Will get that on the web as soon as I return.
At any rate, being on vacation reminded me that it is a time to guard our hearts. I remember John Piper saying in a sermon (out of Hebrews on drifting) that “Vacation is a dangerous time for John Piper.” He was suggesting this was due to the fact that he wasn’t in the Word as consistently and was out of the normal loops of accountability with the people of the church. I feel this, too, in my soul. So, I continue to fight sin so that even on vacation, I can live to glorify and enjoy God.
Hope you had a great weekend and experienced the Lord’s favor in corporate worship.