Another exciting development beginning this coming Sunday is the 2012 Scripture Memory emphasis. For the coming year, our Elders have chosen to use the Topical Memory System verses from NavPress. We’ve incorporated this into weekly breakdowns and, as always, we will use the ESV rendering of the verses. Click here to access the 2012 Scripture Memory Page.
The Word Cloud…
Sixty-Six Clouds “brings the Bible, design and technology together in a fresh and beautiful way. All 66 books of the Bible have been individually imported into Wordle to create a unique word cloud for each one. Word clouds quickly present viewers with the gist of written materials at a glance. Print quality images are available for purchase and a video version of Sixty-Six Clouds has also been created. Please email if you would like to inquire about posters or if you have any special requests. Thank you.”
We are going to feature some of these in our environment on the book of Hebrews soon. Check them out for more info, or watch this video:
Help Memorizing Scripture…
Abraham linked to this helpful post: 18 Tricks to Memorize More Scripture. Good stuff.
And if we’re all honest, we probably make some sort of excuse for why we can’t memorize Scripture. Many of these excuses are helpfully addressed. Enjoy the post.