Enjoyed a full Sunday. We opened our service with a baptism and I was privileged to baptize my oldest as well as another friend of his (you could check this out on our livestream page where video of this is archived if you’re interested…it’s after the opening hymn). My sermon was a little different than normal in that I used it as a deeper meditation to prepare for the Lord’s Supper. Also, the sermon itself was an Introduction to the Gospel of John using John 20:30-31 as my springboard. Starting next Sunday, I will be preaching through John’s Gospel.
Weekend Preview – Ordinances and John
This weekend we are anticipating a full day at Crestview on 2/28. We will be opening our service with some baptisms. We’ll also sing, hear some insight for our upcoming study of John’s Gospel and come to the Lord’s Supper table together. I hope it’s a rich time of fellowship and worship for you. Plan to join us as 10:15AM or by our live stream.
Weekend Recap – Baptism/Lord’s Supper
Recapping yesterday, we had a great AM Celebrating the Gospel, observing baptism and the Lord’s Supper. I don’t know about you, but hearing testimony of God’s Work to save some was very encouraging. And then, capping that off by coming together to the Lord’s table was a great blessing.
Then, in the evening, we had a great time of Corporate Prayer, specifically using Psalm 30 in our prayers for mission trips/teams, college students, and pregnancies.
I hope as we move into this week that you are encouraged because of the amazing message of the Gospel.
The Baptism Controversy…
Mark Dever thinks paedobaptism (infant baptism) is a sin. This has sparked some controversy, so Dever graciously allowed R. Scott Clark (a paedobaptist) to respond on the 9 Marks blog.