Today is Ash Wednesday (cue the yawn from most of Protestantism). We don’t tend to think or observe these days in the church year because we perceive that in some cases what they mean has been hijacked for empty ritual (in the best thinking) or we are just plain ignorant (at worst).
Lent was a traditional time in the early life of the church when converts would prepare themselves for baptism. It was a time of deep reflection and purification preparing one’s heart to celebrate the passion week events of Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. Ash Wednesday marks the day in which we’re 40 days out (of Easter).
If you are looking for help in going deeper with God this season, check out the amazing tools at Apostles Church NYC. Specifically, they are doing 40 Days of Prayer, including a daily devotional. Here’s their description of Lent and what they hope to accomplish:
Lent is intended to be a time of refinement, reflection, repentance, worship, and preparation to really celebrate the death of Jesus on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. In 40 Days of Prayer, we sincerely hope to lead our people (and ourselves) through Lent and into a deeper delight in Jesus, appreciation for the gospel, and desire to “seek things above” out of his goodness.
Find ways to seek the Savior and honor Him in this season. May the grace of our Lord be with you richly as you think about Him and His work.