This coming Sunday, Lord willing, we will continue our series looking at the Solas. Specifically, on Sunday, we’ll dig into Scripture alone. So, to whet your appetite, I’ll lean on Jared Wilson and how he defined it in his book The Pastor’s Justification:
Sola scriptura does not mean that the Bible is the only authority over a Christian. In a variety of ways the Christian must be submissive to civil governments, to church leadership, and even to fellow Christians. In addition, a Christian can look to church traditions and creeds and overseers as authorities over his life and doctrine. But sola scriptura means that all these other authorities are subject to the supreme authority of God’s Word. The Bible may not be the only authority in our lives, but it is the only infallible authority, and therefore it is the supreme authority, over any pope or pastor. Because the Bible is the only infallible authority over our lives, it is pastoral malpractice to treat it as a supporting document for our own good ideas. Our words ought to stand under Scripture, not vice versa. When we come to the biblical text, it is meant to shape us; we are not to shape it. We are the ones to be malleable, not the Bible.
Wilson, Jared C.. The Pastor’s Justification: Applying the Work of Christ in Your Life and Ministry (p. 120). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
I really appreciate these words of explanation. And, I hope you are helped this coming Sunday and we dig in to see how Scripture alone points to true salvation.
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