This coming Lord’s day, we hope to gather together to celebrate how we can enter in God’s rest — through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. We will gather at the Lord’s Table and continue to proclaim His death until He returns. We will also plan to spend some time in Hebrews 4:1-11 and its call for us to not miss out on God’s rest.
Commenting on the amazing rest we can know through faith in Christ, Kent Hughes writes:
Fellow-Christians, God does not offer us just any rest. He offers us, in his own words, “my rest” — the repose of soul — divine rest. It is cosmic in its origination, as old as the universe. And as such, a continuing Sabbath is available to all. It is the ideal rest, for it comes from a loving, almighty God.
Take time to consider God’s Word — God offers you rest for your weary soul in Jesus. Come to Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.