This Sunday, Lord willing, we will be exploring Colossians 1:7-8 and seeing how we can be helpful people in the body of Christ. Again, I quote Spurgeon:
“I like to read of godly men speaking well of one another. Nowadays, it is thought to be a distinguishing work of faithfulness to be able to pick holes in the coats of our fellow Christians. Now we cannot help perceiving some of their defects and sometimes it is our duty to speak of them – and to speak of them faithfully – but let us also observe all the virtues that are to be found in them, otherwise we may despise the work of the Holy Spirit and rob Him of His glory! How kindly Paul speaks of Epaphras, and how kindly Epaphras speaks of the church at Colossae!”
I was struck by these words because we are such a negative culture. We are always quick to voice our disagreements. Paul sets a great tone for encouraging body life. I hope we can take a cue from him and be encouraging people in the body of Christ.