Here’s my 10/8/13 email to Elders/Deacons at Crestview:
Paul Tripp, in chapter 12, Self-Glory, of Dangerous Callingis writing about Christ’s example of humility in washing the disciples’ feet and reminds us of this lesson: “Jesus says, “If you’re not greater than your master, and he has been willing to do this disgusting thing, you must also be willing. If you are my ambassadors, called to represent my will and way, called to be tools of my redeeming grace, then you must not think that any ministry task is beneath you. You must be willing to do the lowest, most debased thing so that my work and my will be done. You must not refuse. You must not think of yourself as too good. You must be willing to be the lowest of slaves in order that my kingdom may come and my will may be done. You must be willing to do whatever is necessary to position yourself as a tool of redeeming grace. You must not be too proud. You must not be unwilling.”
So, how goes that guys? Been thinking of yourself more highly than you ought lately? The precious remedy from our Lord is to simply look to Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Regardless of our ministerial failures (and they are many), He loves us and lavishes grace upon us. Look to Him for forgiveness, strength and perseverance in this amazing work.
With you in this…