In late May, I began 202 days of journaling through the 404 verses of the final book of the Bible, Revelation. To go along with my personal study and preparation to preach through this book in 2013, I’m trying to tweet something from every verse. Today I finished chapter 7. Here’s a compilation of my tweets followed by the reference.
Revelation 1 | Revelation 2 | Revelation 3 | Revelation 4 | Revelation 5 | Revelation 6
God’s at work restraining judgment in this world. (Revelation 7:1)
God sets apart all ends to line up with His glorious purposes. (Revelation 7:2)
In some cases, God’s restraint is due to His faithful people. (Revelation 7:3)
God’s work to preserve a people is pictured in complete perfection. (Revelation 7:4-8)
God’s saving work is vast and extensive, displaying His awesome work. (Revelation 7:9)
Salvation is entirely God’s work from start to finish. (Revelation 7:10)
At the sight of God, even angels recognize their smallness before Him. (Revelation 7:11)
God will be perfectly praised for all of eternity. (Revelation 7:12)
God’s people are marked by their purity and perseverance. (Revelation 7:13)
What purifies God’s people is the blood of Jesus Himself. (Revelation 7:14)
God’s people are eternally before Him, eternally protected by Him. (Revelation 7:15)
God will perfectly provide and care for His people in eternity. (Revelation 7:16)
God’s work for His people is secure in our shepherd: The Lamb. (Revelation 7:17)