In late May, I began 202 days of journaling through the 404 verses of the final book of the Bible, Revelation. To go along with my personal study and preparation to preach through this book in 2013, I’m trying to tweet something from every verse. Today I finished chapter 17. Here’s a compilation of my tweets followed by the reference.
Revelation 1 | Revelation 2 | Revelation 3 | Revelation 4 | Revelation 5 | Revelation 6 | Revelation 7 | Revelation 8 | Revelation 9 | Revelation 10 | Revelation 11 | Revelation 12 |Revelation 13 | Revelation 14 | Revelation 15 | Revelation 16
Sometimes God’s judgment is publicly revealed. (Revelation 17:1)
Publicly revealed judgment might occur because sins were so open and grievous. (Revelation 17:2)
The essence of sin is abandoning Jesus’ authority. (Revelation 17:3)
Objects of God’s judgment sometimes appear glorious in the eyes of the world. (Revelation 17:4)
God has marked out people according to their works. (Revelation 17:5)
It’s easy to marvel greatly at those who delight in persecuting God’s people. (Revelation 17:6)
God’s revelation takes away the mystery of our marveling. (Revelation 17:7)
We shouldn’t marvel at the world’s deception, although they do. (Revelation 17:8)
We should exercise wisdom in observing the world. (Revelation 17:9)
As kings rise and fall, remember God determines what remains. (Revelation 17:10)
Counterfeiting Jesus will lead to destruction. (Revelation 17:11)
Remember God may have a purpose for allowing wickedness to rule a season. (Revelation 17:12)
Worldly rulers are able to unite on anti-God platforms. (Revelation 17:13)
Anti-God resistance will be conquered by the Lamb. (Revelation 17:14)
People are deceived…God break our hearts over this reality. (Revelation 17:15)
God sometimes allows wars for His purposes. (Revelation 17:16)
God carries out His purposes of judgment in accordance with His words. (Revelation 17:17)
Kings of earth are under dominion appointed by God. (Revelation 17:18)
Publicly revealed judgment might occur because sins were so open and grievous. (Revelation 17:2)
The essence of sin is abandoning Jesus’ authority. (Revelation 17:3)
Objects of God’s judgment sometimes appear glorious in the eyes of the world. (Revelation 17:4)
God has marked out people according to their works. (Revelation 17:5)
It’s easy to marvel greatly at those who delight in persecuting God’s people. (Revelation 17:6)
God’s revelation takes away the mystery of our marveling. (Revelation 17:7)
We shouldn’t marvel at the world’s deception, although they do. (Revelation 17:8)
We should exercise wisdom in observing the world. (Revelation 17:9)
As kings rise and fall, remember God determines what remains. (Revelation 17:10)
Counterfeiting Jesus will lead to destruction. (Revelation 17:11)
Remember God may have a purpose for allowing wickedness to rule a season. (Revelation 17:12)
Worldly rulers are able to unite on anti-God platforms. (Revelation 17:13)
Anti-God resistance will be conquered by the Lamb. (Revelation 17:14)
People are deceived…God break our hearts over this reality. (Revelation 17:15)
God sometimes allows wars for His purposes. (Revelation 17:16)
God carries out His purposes of judgment in accordance with His words. (Revelation 17:17)
Kings of earth are under dominion appointed by God. (Revelation 17:18)