Here’s the email I sent to Leadership Reno County Alumni on 6/3/13:
I recognize that many of you have plenty on your plate. Having said that, though, I also realize that some of you are looking for the right opportunity in which to engage. The Alumni Association was recently approached by the city for help in dealing with board vacancies. Here’s the low-down:
The City has many advisory boards, commissions and committee, and we are constantly seeking out volunteers who can give the time to participate in their local government. The City’s web link below provides access to a description of each board, a listing of current board members and upcoming vacancies, an Application for Board Appointment, an Applicant Bank form, and information about our appointment policies. [They] respectfully request that [we] share the City’s web link with [you].
So, consider if this might be for you and follow up accordingly. If we really believe that engaging in acts of leadership helps us make progress on our most daunting challenges, joining a board might be a way to engage in an act of leadership and pursue change, while seeking to work for the good of our community.
With you in this…