Our church took the Lord’s Supper together yesterday, 11/24/13. Taking the Lord’s Supper always seemed like a meaningless add-on in worship to me growing up. I knew it meant something serious spiritually speaking, but couldn’t make the connection to why that rhythm was needed and I feel I’m just getting to a point where I’m starting to understand it.
Having the Lord’s Supper during the week of Thanksgiving is terrific. Some traditions call the Lord’s Supper or Communion the Eucharist, which means to give thanks. This thought originated as Jesus took the bread and gave thanks, then broke it for the disciples. When we come to the Lord’s Supper table together, we should come thankful for all that is ours in the Gospel. Because Jesus gave His life and blood for me, I know forgiveness, grace, hope and am set apart to worship forever.
This week as you gather with your family to give thanks think of the work of Jesus Christ, sinless Godman, who came to earth to seek and save the lost. He came for us and that is something for which we can be forever grateful.