Here’s the email I wrote to the Elders and Deacons of Crestview on 8/27/13:
There’s a great quote in the notes from Sessions 7 & 8 of Paul Tripp’s Dangerous Calling DVD Study Guide. It comes from p.126 of the book: “If you and I have been guaranteed a place in eternity with our Savior, then we also have been guaranteed all the grace we need along the way.” My response written on the page when I read this was, “Yes!” I tend, so very often, to forget that the grace that justifies is the same grace that sanctifies and will eventually glorify me eternally. The grace that leads us safe thus far will, indeed, safely lead us home. And, this is good news for each of us.
You see, our success in ministry is not entirely wrapped up in who we are. It’s wrapped up more specifically in God and who He’s made us to be. Jesus said, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” We do a lot in ministry without Him. But the most effective ministry moments are those that find us in weakness admitting to Him our need and relying on Him to accomplish what He intends. Today, remember that God is the source of our work. Rest in Him. And, as we do, we’ll be the effective leaders God’s called us to be.