Here’s the email I wrote to the elders and deacons of Crestview today, following up on a meeting we had going over Tripp’s Dangerous Calling DVDs.
I’m going to summarize session 5 in this email and press for some application.
Some of the high points were:
– The Bible is shockingly honest about the brokenness of this world but is, also, gloriously hopeful.
– Since the Bible is honest and hopeful, we should be the most open and honest community.
– There is a danger of identifying or defining ourselves and each other by positions of ministry.
– Effective ministry requires an intentionally intrusive, Christ-centered, grace-driven, redemptive community based on humble approachability and loving honesty.
– We are all tempted to live according to the lie of autonomy and the lie of self-sufficiency.
– The greatest problems and temptations of life lie inside of me and not outside which means I need the grace of God in me much more than I need changes in situations.
Here’s the applications, we were encouraged to pursue:
Is there someone in your life whom you have made yourself approachable to and will allow them to intrude into your life? If not, why not? Who could such a person be in your life?
Are you still a person who hungers and thirsts for God’s grace?
How can our church help develop and support the spiritual growth of each other in leadership?
Pray for and with your church leaders (reminder, we meet each Sunday at 8:30 in the bookstore).
Hope you have a great week.