This coming Lord’s day, we plan to look at Hebrews 8:6-13. It is an amazing picture of seeing just how beautiful our relationship with God through Christ looks. Here’s a couple of gems from Pete O’Brien:
So Jesus’ role as mediator is not in a strict sense that of an arbiter or intermediary of a bilateral agreement. The terms of the covenant are not in dispute or up for discussion, so that Jesus has to act as a mediator by bringing the two parties together to hammer out an agreement. He is an agent, or delegate invested with divine authority in God’s settlement, which Jesus realizes and guarantees. (p.292)
One benefit of the new covenant is that we know God and again, O’Brien writes:
To know God is to recognize Him, to trust Him, and to obey Him. (p.300)
I hope to see you this coming Lord’s day as we relish in these and other glorious truths so that Christ is seen as the glorious Savior that He is.