This coming Lord’s Day (1/22/12AM), we plan to get into Hebrews 10:11-18 and see the difference that Christ’s finished work has made in our lives. One big theme will be what new covenant promises are applied. Here Ligon Duncan says it so well:
So, what is at the heart of the New Covenant promises? A people whose hearts are hearts for God. They have His will written on them. They are being made holy. They are being sanctified. They are being conformed to the image of God. They are being formed in the image of Christ. This is the one thing that is promised in that prophecy. And the author of Hebrews is saying, “Look, when you look up and see Christ at the right hand of God, you know that promise has come to fruition in the lives of His people…”
Therefore, in light of this truth, let’s come anticipating to revel in these things once again. We have a great God and Savior who has stewarded all the blessings of salvation for us and finished the work. He’s seating waiting for the great and glorious day when He will reign forevermore. Come ready to praise your victorious Savior this coming Lord’s Day.