Yesterday, at our church’s 2010 Bible Conference, Don Whitney called us to reforming our families by instituting family worship. I thought I would drop a few posts this week with resources we use and some others Whitney mentioned.
One resource he asked me if I had, but I didn’t was Catherine Vos’ Child’s Story Bible. He recommended this for older, elementary school aged children.
Two resources I typically recommend for really young children are The Big Picture Story Bible and The Jesus Storybook Bible. Both of these help orient younger children to the big storyline of the Bible. I used the Jesus Storybook Bible in my personal devotions a while back to reacquaint myself with the big picture. The Big Picture Story Bible will have more of an emphasis on pictures with a few words on the page. My one year old is able to keep looking at the pics then. My older child (turning 4 tomorrow) likes looking at the Jesus Storybook Bible and even brings it to church.
As children get older, though, reading a chapter here or there and working through books of the Bible and asking meaningful questions about passages is where we want to go. During the teenage years especially, Proverbs helps lead them to the walk in the way of wisdom. God’s Word is where our families need to center a good portion of our time.