There have been some good resources emerge lately on Elders, Deacons and Church Leadership. Thought I’d connect to those here. Even if you are casually involved in church life, you would do well to listen in / read up on some of these things, so that you can better pray for / support your local church leaders.
Andy Davis wrote a great post on how to lead elders meetings. We follow a pretty strict model of taking time for prayer, discussing something devotionally oriented to help us in our work, and then talking “church business.” Andy’s article helped get some ideas going on making these meetings more helpful.
A recent 9Marks interview discussed Thabiti’s new book Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons. This, also, had much to commend to the local church leadership and the church at large, helping us think and consider the long term leadership plans of the church. I’m hoping to get all of our elders and deacons to listen in on this.
We have huge work to do, but it is a joy. Therefore, receive these tools as opportunities from God to more faithfully serve Him.