I really find David Garland’s commentary on Mark helpful. This week, we are looking at Mark 14:66-72 and Peter’s denial. He draws insightful attention to the rebuke that the proudest animal on the farm gave the proudest of the disciples. He writes:
“It is ironic that a rooster, renowned for its foolish pride, reminds Peter of Jesus’ prediction that he would deny him three times (Mark 14:30). The king of the chicken coop rules the roost and struts around, thinking he is king of the world. The rooster fits perfectly Peter’s cocky boastfulness in Mark 14:29, but it is the crowing of the rooster that snaps him to awareness of what he has just done.” (p.567-568)
Garland goes on to show how this is a common Biblical theme, that is, of “so-called lower creation” rebuking human beings (see Balaam’s ass and Jonah’s worm). Is creation rebuking you?