Here’s my latest installment for Leadership Reno County alumni…
In this, Bob Bush answers the following questions:
by Phil Auxier
Here’s my latest installment for Leadership Reno County alumni…
In this, Bob Bush answers the following questions:
by Phil Auxier
Here’s the email I wrote to Leadership Reno County alums today, 12/9/13: So it’s been a couple of weeks and I thought I’d check back in. First off, I might remind you that I’ve been writing about how there is a huge gap between our current reality and our expectations. Part of my contention was that bridging the gap between those challenges we face and where we’d like them to be takes us acting different. It requires us to engage in an act of leadership, which will help move people to difficult work. We talked a bit about authority and how anyone can lead, anytime, anywhere; it’s not just the most gifted people at the table that can bridge the gaps you see in your reality. We also mentioned how these acts of leadership start with you and engage others. Too often, we’re sitting waiting for someone else to act not realizing that we have the capability to engage. Today, I want us to think about the gap and how a clear purpose helps our way of behaving in the gap. You might recognize that sometimes the gap is a scary place. People of all different political stripes and spectrums think that engaging in the gap requires this or that. In other words, progress may look different to different people. Moving from our current reality to make things better needs a clear purpose. This way, the focus isn’t on the change but on the purpose. This is hard to do. We want to focus in our results and effects. But, if we spent more time thinking purposefully about our engagement, I believe we’d make more progress. So, today, take this idea out for a spin by clearly articulating why you do what you do. And why is that true? And why do you that? And why is that so important? Press those why questions and see if you get at a purpose that isn’t so disagreeable as much as something that must be pursued at all costs. Seeking to be purposeful with you….
by Phil Auxier
Here’s my email from 10/7/13 to Leadership Reno County alums:
by Phil Auxier
I’ve been doing some thinking lately about our church, vision, purpose, mission, etc. The graphic above represents some doodling about such ideas. Our church’s purpose statement can be found on our website:
Recognizing that all people were created for the glory of God, our purpose is to exhort people to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and to encourage Christians to live passionately for God, by glorifying and enjoying Him as the goal of their lives.
While this is a great statement, it is a bit wordy. So, I’ve been thinking about how this can be put in a nutshell. Boil it down to its bare essence. What are we getting at?
glorifying God. (everyone is made for this purpose and is to live to this end)
proclaiming the Gospel. (Jesus has given us an amazing message to spread)
everywhere. (this is where we take the amazing message of the Gospel: to all people everywhere. There is no place that doesn’t need the Gospel.)
or another way…
glorifying God. (our vision)
proclaiming the Gospel. (our mission)
everywhere. (our goal)
putting it in the language of our purpose statement…
glorifying God. (…and to encourage Christians to live passionately for God, by glorifying and enjoying Him as the goal of their lives.)
proclaiming the Gospel. (…our purpose is to exhort people to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ…)
everywhere. (Recognizing that all people were created for the glory of God…)
I’m still continuing to think about these things. I do know one thing: God has given us a mission during our days here and it is spreading this message–making disciples of all nations. I realize as a pastor, I need to be stoking the flames that lead in this way. Hopefully, these ideas will be lived out and move from paper to action, not only in my life, but in the life of the church.