My 5/1/16AM sermon, Exalting Jesus from John 3:22-36, is now online. This sermon unpacked John the Baptist’s famous words: “He [that is Jesus] must increase and I must decrease” (John 3:30). The point of all of this section of Scripture is exalting Jesus. I hope this sermon helps you look to Him.
Weekend Recap – John 3 and Eternal Life
My 4/24/16AM sermon, Eternal Life from John 3:1-21, is now online (including some small group questions). This section includes what might be the most well-known passage of Scripture in the Bible. It has to do with someone who has a deep, religious background coming to Jesus for clarification about who He is and why He does what He does. Jesus redirects Nicodemus to see that this is all about eternal life, telling him that you must be born again, you must believe, and you must do what is true. I hope this sermon and the small group that went with it encourages you.
Weekend Recap – 4/17/16
My 4/17/16 sermon, Cleansing The Temple from John 2:13-25, is now online. This particular passage shows an amazing picture of Jesus cleansing the temple. I try to make sense of this and at the same time help show why Jesus did what He did related to signs. To put it simply, He pointed to His life, death, and resurrection in what He was showing. I hope this sermon encourages you.
Weekend Recap – Water To Wine
My 4/3/16AM sermon, Water to Wine from John 2:1-12, is now online. Keeping in mind how this passage ends, manifesting the glory of Christ and His followers believing, it’s easy to see how this passage is meant to move us to trust in Jesus. We have such a difficult time doing this. We’re anxious about so many things in life, but Jesus, the Rock Solid foundation, provides One in whom we can trust. I hope this sermon helps you see and trust Him.
Weekend Recap – Easter 2016
We enjoyed an amazing day at Crestview on Easter. The entire weekend from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, really drew attention to Jesus and hopefully encouraged people to praise Him for who He is and what He’s done. My Easter sermon, Don’t Disbelieve; Believe! from John 20:24-29, examined the doubting Thomas narrative and my outline had to do with the progression to celebrating Easter from disbelief, to Jesus’ nearness, to confession, and blessing. I hope it encourages you.
Weekend Recap – Into John and 33
My 3/6/16AM sermon, The Word from John 1:1-18, is now online. This sermon meant we are now actually digging in to the Gospel of John verse by verse. This sermon, in particular, sought to answer the question, “How would you introduce Jesus?” Many of us might go all kinds of routes in helping others understand Jesus, but John takes us to the preeminence of Jesus, carries us through creation, to the work that Jesus would come to do and how He took on flesh. It’s much deeper than we would think someone would go. But, that’s what made this sermon so fun. I hope you’ll listen and find encouragement in it.
Our men continue to work through the 33 series on A Man and His Work. I was encouraged last night seeing how Nehemiah was afraid, but that didn’t keep him from dreaming. The work of prayer and planning, cultivating and creating, can prove monumental at times. This series is helping me think in better ways about my work. I hope others can join us. The next lesson happens on April 3.
Weekend Recap – 1 John Wrapped…
My 1/31/16AM sermon, Believer’s Benefits (2) from 1 John 5:18-21, is now online. The sermon wrapped up my work in 1 John which began way back in June 2015. And, in particular, this sermon focused us in on the benefits that believers in Jesus enjoy. I hope it’s encouraging to you.
Weekend Recap – Believer’s Benefits (1)
My 1/17/16AM sermon, Believer’s Benefits (1) from 1 John 5:13-17, is now online. This sermon was the first of a brief 2 part sermon set that highlight the difference that believing in Jesus Christ makes in the life of those who believe. This sermon was grouped together because both of my points had to do with confidence: confidence for eternal life and boldness in our prayers. So, I hope this sermon encourages you in relationship: the relationship you have with God your Father through Jesus Christ, His Son.
Weekend Recap – Testimony To Life
My 1/10/16AM sermon tried to unpack the clear Testimony To Life found in 1 John 5:6-12. What we see in this passage is a clear statement of who Jesus Christ is, implications for what that means and a demand to respond accordingly (specifically to believe). Lest you think this is only for those who don’t believe in Christianity, 1 John 5:13 rings out a call that these things were written to those who believe so that they may know that they have eternal life. I hope this sermon serves you well. There were also small group questions developed on this passage to help you engage it.
Weekend Recap – Faith Overcomes
My 1/3/16AM sermon, Faith Overcomes from 1 John 5:1-5 is now online. One way God works assurance in His people is by showing the fruit of lives that are born of God, those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. This sermon unpacked the fruit of love, obedience and a reality of faith that overcomes the world. I hope it encourages you.
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