Here’s a video that Justin Taylor posted a few days ago about the amazing (and rather ordinary) way Jesus intersected the life of Brian “Head” Welch, formerly of the group Korn:
Platt on Conversion…
From the sermon, The Gospel Demands Radical Giving:
The Gospel Demands Radical Giving – David Platt from Together for Adoption on Vimeo.
At the 8:40 mark on the video, Platt says:
To be a follower of Christ means: To come to an awareness of your sinful rebellion against God and to see in Jesus the only substitute for your sins and by His grace to turn from your rebellion against God and to trust in Him as the Lord and Sovereign King over your life and when that is the case, then what Jesus says determines how you live.
This quote really shows the shallow, nominal way many of us treat our conversion. It really is more than just repeating a prayer after someone and meaning it. Conversion is banking all that we are on Christ.