The latest 9Marks EJournal is online and deals with Pastoring Women, equipping local church pastors with good, practical tools for shepherding women in the church with whom they’ve been entrusted. I let me wife read an article in this issue entitled: For the Young Mother: Ministry, Guilt and the Seasons of Life. Here’s her thoughts on the article:
Jani Ortlund challenges young mothers to evaluate the guilt we so often feel. She reminds us that we shape the souls of our children. What a high calling and difficult challenge that is! She says, “It is not godly guilt that would call you away from a wholehearted investment in your little ones for his sake. Don’t feel guilty over making your children your primary ministry investment when they are young.” Wow. That really sums up what we should encourage our young mothers to desire in their hearts and train them to be.
Another great perspective I am reminded of from her is that I am called to cultivate a love for the home. She says, “God has called us to love our children from home base (Tit. 2:4-5). We can’t improve upon God’s design! This means more than staying at home. It means fixing your heart on your home. Women can leave their homes through more avenues than work or outside ministry. Cell phones, emails, and chat rooms can take a mother away from her primary ministry, too.” Home is where I should desire to be, especially in this season of my children’s young lives. There are so many things, as good intentioned as they might be, that pull at us to give our time and energy and passion other than to our children and husbands. This should be an encouragement to spur us on!
Finally, she reminds us that this season is just a season. I love her words when she says, “And each season is a divine calling from our Creator and King. Organizing a new church event is important. Teaching your little boy to be kind to his sister is also important. But which one can best be done by you during this season? Serve God well by ministering to your children first. Very soon they will be grown and gone and all those uniquely teachable moments will be gone. And you will have ample opportunity to serve Christ outside your home in the seasons ahead.”
“But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded” (2 Chronicles 15:7).
Ok, so I don’t have much more to say than what Jani has already said. I thank the Lord for her wisdom in writing this to challenge and encourage the young mothers today.
So…check out this issue and be encouraged yourself.