My 8/4/24 sermon at Crestview, Kingdom Living (Luke 17:20-18:14), is online. This sermon dug into Jesus’s explanation that His coming to earth meant the kingdom of God was here. Further, He envisioned a day when He would return and how His followers were to act accordingly. The text addressed issues of focus, prayer, and relationships with others. I hope it encourages you.
Someone asked me to post the quote from part of the sermon. Jesus relates the days of Noah and Sodom to eating, drinking, selling, buying, and rather normal mundane activities. And, Ralph Davis put it so well:
“[There is] Nothing wicked about these activities in themselves. But those things were the sum total of their lives. Jesus does not hammer on their wickedness but their preoccupations. They were completely absorbed in their own interests… There is also a warning in this text for professing believers in our day, at least in the West. It is easy to assume that it’s non-Christians who are always preoccupied with their own ‘stuff’ and, as we say, are only gazing at their own navels. But there’s a word here to the modern disciple. You too are liable to be so taken up with brushing your teeth, choosing your earrings, closing real estate deals, building houses, going to work, getting through school, passing your exams, taking kids to music lessons, running Junior to Little League, going to church, the beauty shop and the grocery store, text messaging, mowing the yard, finding a new hair salon, paying the orthodontist, getting allergy shots, that it’s almost like you’re living in Sodom. It’s the frenzied pace of one thing after another that loses sight of the coming of the Son of Man.” (from his commentary on Luke in the Focus series)
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