Each time we come to the Lord’s Supper table as a congregation, we try to confess our faith using a profession of faith. I found this one from Coram Deo Church and we used it this past Sunday (they call it Profession 18). Listen to how it showcases Jesus as prophet, priest, and king. Definitely appropriate words as we come to celebrate the work of the Son.
We confess and affirm together
that Jesus Christ is the
cornerstone of our faith.
He is our chief prophet and teacher
who perfectly reveals to us
the will of God.
He is our only high priest
who has set us free from
Satan, sin, and death
by the one sacrifice of his body.
And He is our eternal King who governs us by his Word and Spirit,
and who guards us and keeps us in the freedom he has won for us.
We hope in Jesus alone,
And confidently await His return,
When every knee will bow,
in heaven, and on earth,
and under the earth,
And every tongue will confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,To the glory of God the Father.