Yes, we are all like sheep, at least that’s what Isaiah 53:6 says. This means that we are weak, prone to go astray and Isaiah says we’ve actually done it — we’ve turned every one to his/her own way. But, our great hope this week (and every day) is that on Christ was laid all of our iniquities. My sermon from 4/1/12AM entitled Like Sheep from Isaiah 53:6 reveled in these truths.
In the evening, my small group finished Jerry Bridges’ book Respectable Sins. To say this book affected us is an understatement. God used this to not only reveal sin, but to deepen our dependence on the Gospel. There are so many good elements and fruit that my group shared. If any of you are interested, Bridges kept pointing to Thomas Chalmers’ Expulsive Power of A New Affection. Click that link and digest that content to see what Chalmers (and Bridges) were driving at.
Have a great Holy Week this week.