After the flurry of activity last week, it was great to get back to the dear people of God at Crestview. Had a full day, with SS, AM Service, Cross-Cultural Missions Committee, PM Service and Men’s Theology, but a fruitful one nonetheless.
In the AM, I preached from Colossians 2:8 a sermon entitled Error. In this talk, I was really trying to give clear exposition about the nature of error and how centering in Christ and the Gospel trumps everything else. It was yet another clear reminder of how central Christ and the Gospel should be.
In the PM, my sermon dealt with how promises made to Abraham pointed to Jesus. We looked at Genesis 12:1-3 and Genesis 17:1-8 (as well as NT texts highlighting the connection). The sermon was entitled Promise. I thought the promise of a city that was to come was one full of applications for believers (read Hebrews 11:9-16). At any rate, it was a great day.