What an amazing weekend!
We began with Good Friday service at UVBC and enjoyed a great night thinking about the cross and fellowshipping with others.
On Sunday morning, I read Isaiah 53:8-12 and we sang “Come People of the Risen King” to bring in our morning festivities. After this, we had a church wide brunch, then Sunday School (my class watched Piper preach a sermon: I Have Seen the Lord), then AM Worship.
In the morning worship, since we are a working through Colossians, I overviewed what this book showed about the resurrection, specifically:
3 truths concerning the resurrection…
I. The resurrection establishes Jesus’ preeminence (Colossians 1:18)
II. The resurrection gives us hope of salvation (Colossians 2:12-13)
III. The resurrection calls us to live a life that honors Christ (Colossians 3:1)
I thought we had an amazing day and I hope we can continue to be shaped by the resurrection.