Today’s sermon, Lordship for Children, from Colossians 3:20 is now online. This sermon is really the 4th in what is shaping up to be a nice series on the Lordship of Jesus and its ramifications for us in relationships.
Today’s sermon focused on how the fact that Jesus is Lord has implications for children. Really two points emerged as being how children show Jesus as Lord: 1) They can obey their parents completely and 2) They can set as their motivation pleasing Christ. We walked through the text and ended up practicing the Lord’s Supper together.
Tonight, we will meet in Small Groups and discuss Thabiti’s chapter 4 in Marks of a Healthy Church Member (A Healthy Church Member is Genuinely Converted).
What I found striking this AM was how honoring parents is a continual lifestyle for us to pursue. Also, most relevant was the application to parent children well, so that they can obey and, thus, please the Lord.
Hope you had a great weekend worshipping.