On Sunday, I finished leading our adults through Book Three of BILD International’s First Principles series — Participating in the Mission of the Church. We’ve enjoyed studying these books during the summer the past 2 years. I like the simple layout of the curriculum: consult the Scriptures, consult the scholars, consult your heart. There’s much content that is driven in these short books.
Sunday’s wrap got at Acts 10:1-33 and how God used Cornelius (and his home) as a mission center to advance the Gospel. We were all challenged to dream of ways that our lives could incorporate more intentionality to the mission that God has given us. So, I’d recommend you consider this resource, but, in a deeper way, if you’re a believer, dream of ways you could strategically help spread the Gospel through your home. This coming Sunday, new adult Sunday School classes will begin: one on the (not so) Minor Prophets and a class going through Paul Tripp’s DVD curriculum Getting To The Heart of Parenting.