Ok, sorry, for the horrific title to this post. This coming Lord’s Day (6/19/16), there are a couple of things getting teased out.
First of all, we’ll continue working our way through John’s Gospel (in John 6:41-71) learning about the controversy around Jesus as the bread from heaven. Much of this had to do with Jesus speaking that unless we at His flesh and drink His blood, we can’t have eternal life, which is a very wild way to describe something. I’d say on the one hand, this is more than Lord’s Supper for those who might go there. Taking communion doesn’t save you (after all, we’re not saved by works, lest we should boast according to Ephesians 2:8). If this was merely about observing Passover meal, disciples wouldn’t have left him (see John 6:66). Rather, this has to do with placing our faith in Jesus alone, as was explained in this helpful post from Desiring God.
Another part of our gathering this Sunday will be a Baby Dedication during the morning service (which happens to be Father’s Day). We use this commitment language that we’ve adapted from Sojourn. Here’s how it goes:
The Home:
- Parents, will you commit to trust God’s promises made to you and your children in His Word?
- Will you commit to seek God, and seek gospel change in the way you live and parent your children?
- Will you commit to discipline your children and show them grace?
- Will you commit to teach God’s Word to them and live out the Gospel in your home?
- Will you commit to pray for them and teach them to pray?
- Will you commit to partner with this church community, seek their help and accountability, and lead your children to do the same?
Answer if these are true of you: “We will with God’s help.”
The Church:
- Parents, look around you. You are not alone. This is your community of faith. Crestview, will you commit to seek God and seek gospel change in the way you live before these children?
- Will you commit to pray for these children—that they will grow to love Jesus and trust in Him?
- Will you commit to teach them the gospel through both your words and your example?
- Will you commit to partner with these parents—holding them accountable and confronting their sin?
- Will you commit to pray for them and encourage them as they face the trials of parenting?
If so, please read the following:
“With joy and thanksgiving, as Christ’s church, with God’s help, We promise to love, encourage and support you as you follow Christ and train your children in the faith.”
So, we’re anticipating a great Sunday morning this coming Sunday at Crestview. I hope you’ll join us. Thanks.
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